It identifies and implements three different control laws on the quadrotor UAV model viz-a-vis PID, Lyapunov and nonlinear backstepping controllers. His paper focuses on the control policy/law development for a nonlinear model of a quadrotor unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV). Experimental tests were conducted to demonstrate the working of the PID control system and the results are presented. A LabVIEW application program is developed to compute, track the position and orientation of robot online. The PID based CLCS periodically checks and corrects the individual wheel speed online to place the robot in trajectory. Inertial errors affects the robot's programmed velocity which intrun causes the robot to deviate from the user defined trajectory. The PID control algorithm is developed for reducing the initial inertia error. This enables the online velocity tuning mechanism for the robots to drive in user defined trajectory. A firmware including a Proportional-Integral-Derivative (PID) control algorithm is developed. To overcome such errors a Closed Loop Control System(CLCS) driven robot is discussed in this paper. These OLCS based systems faces uncertainity errors on their tracjectory.

In several mobile robotic applications the control systems implemented are Open Loop Control System(OLCS). As a ZigBee based RF transceivers are integrated on mobile robot and remote PC an online tracking and control system is established. The position and the orientation of mobile robot are estimated using the odometry unit. It includes an odometry unit attached to the rear wheels and ZigBee based RF transceivers.

The mobile robot is built around an ARM7 based microcontroller LPC2129. PID Controller has been designed and incorporated into the differential drive mobile robot.